Dry Lips? Could You Be In Danger of Dehydration
More than half of our body is made out of the water, so it is not a secret that we need water in order to live. If a person may go without food for days in a row, the body won’t be able to survive without water more than three days. Thus, it is vital to have a proper intake of water if we want our body to function right and to maintain a good state of health. Every cell of our body needs water, this is why dehydration is extremely dangerous and can lead to serious damage to our most important organs.
Everybody needs to drink sufficient water every single day, this intake being essential in the case of people suffering from various health conditions.
We thought this would be a great topic to talk about since it’s getting hot!
In the following lines, you will learn more about the risks of dehydration, to be aware of what it means and to take proper measures before it is too late. Water is needed by our body for the lubrication of our joints, so the lack of water creates more friction within our joints, which leads to unnecessary and premature wear of the joints. For people that suffer from illnesses that trigger inflammation in the joints, water consumption is necessary and in fact, drinking hydrogen water can reduce inflammation.
Insufficient water in the body means that it won’t be able to filter impurities efficiently, such as uric acid crystals, which are responsible for inflammation and pain in the joints. Uric acid exists in every organism, even in a healthy one, as it is a waste produced through various processes within the organism. When we drink plenty of water and everything works right, our body eliminates this uric acid so it doesn’t end up producing any damage. By simply drinking water, the amount of uric acid is rapidly diluted to a concentration that does no harm.
Dehydration is not good for our kidneys either, which are responsible for the elimination of toxins. In the lack of proper water intake, the kidneys have to work much harder to filtrate toxins and impurities, something that can get the kidneys sick in time. Not to mention that without sufficient water, uric acids cannot be adequately eliminated, plus there is always the risk of developing sand or even stones in the kidneys, which can be quite painful. Also, believe it or not, not drinking enough water leads to body weight issues. When you’re dehydrated, your metabolism works slower, which means that it is not that efficient anymore when it comes to burning the calories you take from food. So, no wonder that all diets out there recommend consuming plenty of water on a daily basis.
Are you tired of drinking plain water? Then you can always try hydrogen water which not only has antioxidants that your body needs but also has hydrogen which can help your bodies fight off the free radicals that damage our cells. Just make sure to choose the right hydrogen water to use, there are still generators out there using old non SPE/PEM membranes which is older technology. Drink enough water this hot summer and give hydrogen water a try, it may change your life.
Each person should drink 8 glasses of water per day to maintain a good hydration level. But, drinking water is not the only way to give your body sufficient liquids. If you consume more fresh veggies and fruits, you will add to your daily intake of water.
Are you tired of drinking plain water? Then you can always try hydrogen water which not only has antioxidants that your body needs but also has hydrogen which can help your bodies fight off the free radicals that damage our cells. Just make sure to choose the right hydrogen water to use, there are still generators out there using old non SPE/PEM membranes which is older technology. Drink enough water this hot summer and give hydrogen water a try, it may change your life.